Rǣd þisses searuþrǣles tramet on þǣre Nīƿengliscan Ƿikimedie

Lōca læstum hider, þēah þū ne lōcie on nǣnȝum ōðrum stede
Permission request Ealle trametas of CommonsDelinker habbaþ hlencan tō his hēafodlican sīdan on meta-ƿiki, sƿā ǣr ȝeset. Sōþlīce mōst þū ȝeornlīce āwendand his tramet þǣr stōƿlīce.
Se searuþrǣl scolde nū ƿesan ƿyrcende on nēan eallum ƿeorcum Ƿikimedie. Full ȝetæl.
Sprec tō ƿealdende
Ymele:Deleted images leave red links

CommonsDelinker, þe ƿæs ȝeƿriten fram ȝe Orgullomoore, ȝe Siebrand, ȝe Bryan and is ȝehealden fram Siebrand and Multichill, is þeȝnunȝ ȝebrōht tō stōƿlicum ƿikium be þǣm Wikimedia Commons beƿitum. Hit is ȝesett tō ȝeēacnienne ȝeondƿiki efenƿyrcunȝe and þā foresteppunȝe ȝebrocenra biliþa hlencena (þe is unteohhod unhlencunȝ) on stōƿlicum ƿikium æfter Commons ȝeƿithordes forlēosunȝ.

  • Bȳsen ȝeborocenes oþþe rēades hlencan is ēoƿod on sƿīðran healfe.
  • Ȝeƿithordes unhlencunȝ (betƿeox Commons and stōƿlicum ƿikium) is sēo bētende dǣd sēo þē is ȝedōn æfter līcettunȝe læȝe bryce Commons ȝeƿithordes is ȝefunden.
  • CommonsTicker is sēo ǣrre ƿariende endebyrdness tō stōƿlicum ƿikium, lǣtende hīe tō tīmlīce and and fōresmēaȝendlīce unhlencan fram Commons līcettunȝe læȝe bryces ȝeƿithordum.
  • CommonsDelinker is þæt 'sicore nett', ȝif stōƿlice ƿikias ne andsƿarien fōre ȝeƿunelicum tīman tō þǣm CommonsTicker ƿærƿordum.

CommonsDelinker is ȝesibb and hæft sume ȝemǣne endas him, ac ne nā is on stede þæs CommonsTicker. CommonsTicker ȝiefþ þæt ǣrre ƿærƿord ymb līcettunȝe læȝe brice, and sēo tīmlice foresmēaȝde unhlencunȝ fram stōƿlicum ȝemǣnscipum is ǣfre sēo lēofre endebyrdness unhlencunȝe, for þȳ þe hēo lǣteþ ȝe þā animunȝe þæs ȝeƿithordes mid līcettunȝe læȝe brice ȝe foresmēaȝde stefninȝe þurh andefen uncēap ȝeƿithord, fōre þǣre Commons forlēosunȝe. Þēah CommonsDelinker is 'sicor nett' ƿiþ latode andsƿære, hit ne cann bētan ealle belimpas.

Wikimedia Commons ne cann abīdan lenȝer þonne sēo ȝesette Commons forlēosunȝe tīman endebyrdnesse tō ȝemǣnscipum tō andsƿarienne tō CommonsTicker ǣrendum - and stōwlice ȝemǣnscipas habbaþ earnod beteran þonne sēo þā folȝiendan ȝebrocenan hlencan þǣr andsƿara tō CommonsTicker ǣrendum sind latod. Þæt is se intinȝa for þȳ þe CommonsDelinker is forþsend tō bētendre dǣde æfter Commons ȝeƿithordes forlēosunȝe.



Tō beƿitum ƿe þencaþ þæt þā ādiht CommonsDelinker sind nȳdmicel yfel, and ȝelīcettunȝe rihte fæstod. Hīe scoldon ƿesan smēad open þǣm folce.

Hū hit ƿyrceþ


Se searuþrǣl ȝesettum hƿīlum cnēordlǣcaþ þā Commons forleōsunȝa sīþbōc, and ymb ǣlc forloren ȝeƿithord, æfter ȝeƿunelicum,[1] dēþ þās þinȝ:

  • Se searuþrǣl abītt tīenum stundinclum tō lēafenne þōne forlēosendan beƿitan tīman tō fōnne ætīƿnesse ǣniȝra ƿōȝa þā hē meahtlīce dyde.
  • Se searuþrǣl frineþ CheckUsage. Ȝif þǣt biliþ "Foobar.jpg" ƿǣre forloren, tō bȳsne, se searuþrǣl ƿolde fōn [1]
  • Tō ǣlcum belimpe ēoƿod fram CheckUsage:
  • Hit inhladeþ ȝenȝe fadunȝe þæs trametes. (e.g.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Export/Foobar)
  • Hit sēceþ and animþ (oþþe seteþ þing on stede his) ǣniȝne belimp þæs forlorenan biliðes (tō bȳsne, [[Biliþ:Foobar.jpg]], [[Biliþ:Foobar.jpg|description|other|andefenmeter]], <gallery>Biliþ:Foobar.jpg</gallery>) for þȳ þǣr meahtlīce ne sīe nǣniȝ stōwlic ȝelīcness þæs biliðes in sumum ƿiki.
  • Se searuþrǣl hordaþ þone tramet mid sceortnesse on Nīƿum Enȝlisce æfter ȝeƿunelicum. Þǣre sceortnesse ǣrend cann ƿesan oferƿonnen ȝif undertramet þǣm searuþrǣle ȝesciped sīe.


  1. Ȝif þǣre forlēosunȝe sceortness behæbbe þone strenȝ "no-orgullobot", þæt biliþ ne biþ astēapt.