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Foreword biþ on Fyrn-Germanisc gewriten, hit mǣneþ swylce: "Wilcume on mīne sīdan, sīe eolh mid ēow"

Bonitas Generositas Humilitasque - sewandrere.deviantart.com

Welakuman bī ārundisīdun - Wilcume be ǣrendetramete

  • Hēr kunnun gī mī ārundi sendian - (Sahsisk)
  • Hēr cunnon gē mē ǣrenda onsendan - (Ænglisc)

Word thēro giwīsondo - Word þāra begenga




Ƿes hal and ƿilcume. Hƿæt is Sahsisk?    Ƿes hāl!     20:55, 29 Mǣdmōnâþ 2013 (UTC)

incubator:Wp/osx/Sahsisk_sprāka (Old Saxon, very closely related to Old English, of course) :) PiRSquared17 (talk) 22:41, 29 Mǣdmōnaþ 2013 (UTC)
Mycclu þanc æt þa ƿilcume-ƿord! Ge sægdon ƿæru ƿord, Seaxisc byð (nu ƿæs) spræc þara Seaxa þe on Niðerlandum and Germanian belifon, þæt is spræc þe ic lufie and þe ic forebere. Ic leornode æghƿæðer ge Englisc ge Seaxisc, and þa ba syndon spræca þe ic best lufie (mid niƿum Niðerlandisce eac...), and þe ic to soðe forebringan ƿylle. Ic hupige nu þæt ic ne mænigu gedƿyld næbbe gedon, and ic hupige þæt ƿe her mycu sculon geƿyrcan! Glæd eom ic forþæm þe ic eoƿ ba habbe gemeted, eac þe ic nu on þysum Ƿicipædian innetræde! --Stardsen (talk) 13:36, 22 Wēodmōnaþ 2013 (UTC)

Wes hāl. Ic glædie for þȳ þe þū dēst weorc on þissum stede, ac ic wille secgan þætte ic ne cann eall þīnra nīwena worda understandan. Hēr nū settaþ wē nīwu word on getæl on gewrites mōtunge, swā þætte man mihte hī understandan, tō bysene: Gesprec:Fȳræg. Hit is ēac betst tō wrītenne hū man worhte þæt word - þā dǣlas þæs wordes, swā þæt þæt word sī sweotol. Ic bidde þē þe þū ēac swā do. Ēac, wē ne brūcaþ "ġ" and "ċ" for þǣm þā Englas ne dydon swā.    Ƿes hāl!     22:26, 30 Hāligmōnaþ 2013 (UTC)

Ēac, man cann dōn sprǣca getalu be Wikidata, on stede hlencena on þǣm selfan tramete. Hit is betere and ēaðre.    Ƿes hāl!     22:39, 30 Hāligmōnaþ 2013 (UTC)
Gēa, sorgie mē, ic nāt ymbe "ġ" and "ċ", ic þōhte hīe ǣrra gebrocen wǣron... and ic wille dōn þæt þe þū mē gesægd hæfst ymbe nīwum wordum and ic wille hīe bē mōtungsīdan gesettan. --Stardsen (talk) 23:13, 30 Hāligmōnaþ 2013 (UTC)
We did indeed use them earlier - in an irregular kind of way. I understand that there is some usefulness in them, because they partiallity accurately show how a later form of OE was pronounced (bear in mind, it was after all only a later form of OE that is represented by them; also, they are modern practices only); however, we have since a few months back been pushing gw with macron as standard for page source - simple and unified. I am somewhat interested in implementing a recognition of ġċ in the page source (which could easily be filtered out), because it would also make for better automatic Rune converted pages, but there are issues, like: the vast majority of our content is not ċġ, and it would raise the level of knowledge needed to contribute to this Wikipedia. I myself am not going to push for it.    Ƿes hāl!     11:07, 2 Winterfylleþ 2013 (UTC)

Final Obstruent Devoicing


Ƿes þu hal, Stardsen.

Awhile ago, on Ƿiciƿordboc, I saw that you changed the transcription for OE land to (using X-SAMPA here) /lAnt/, changing the /d/ to a /t/ after you added OS land.

I tried asking you about it on your talk page there, but you never responded, so I eventually reverted the change.

I really do want to know whether or not you intentionally did that.

And thanks for adding those Dutch and Old Saxon entries; I truly appreciate it.

Espreon (talk) 00:20, 2 Winterfylleþ 2013 (UTC)

Oh sorry I don't go that much on wiktionary. It was an error, /lAnt/ was the reconstructed pronunciation for Old Saxon (in Old Saxon, -d was certainly pronounced /t/ when word-final, in the same ay Dutch says /lAnt/).
I also would like to know what you think of an idea I had, of creating an Old Saxon portal or something on this wiki, and wanted to know whether it would be okay making it bilingual, in OE and Old Saxon.
The portal would host all articles that have to do with the continental Saxon culture, and there could be a kind of "article of the month" box with an Old Saxon article (only a template, no real article don't worry, I know this is not an Old Saxon wikipedia). I would like to do so, because Old Saxon is completely unknown and none seems to take attention to it, which I think is very sad because a knowledge of Old Saxon greatly helps anyone learning Old English, as it still shows features that disappeared in Old English (like the -i- in sellian, gone in OE sellan for ex.)...
I started editing this Old Saxon wikipedia test on Incubator (https://incubator.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wp/osx/H%C5%8D%C6%80ids%C4%ABda) some 2 years ago, but it seems that this language is denied the right to have its own wikipedia as Old English has or Latin...
PS: If you want a clear view of what an Old Saxon "Portal article" would look like, don't go on Incubator but rather on my user page. The Old Saxon pieces found on Incubator have no standard writing style because I was too lazy to change it... but as it will never become a wiki following Incubator it doesn't matter any more... --Stardsen (talk) 00:37, 2 Winterfylleþ 2013 (UTC
Even Ancient Greek was refused. It's supposedly a m:LangCom rule. PiRSquared17 (talk) 03:11, 2 Winterfylleþ 2013 (UTC)
Yes I know, and even if I don't really like Ancient Greek, I find it sad. Apparently the only thing that is possible with historical languages, is a wikisource, so I started working on an Old Saxon wikisource, even if I think it won't be accepted... --Stardsen (talk) 19:11, 2 Winterfylleþ 2013 (UTC)
Eh, although I think it could be cool, there is the potential of it becoming a maintenance issue, and I don't like maintenance issues.
You could set up something on Wikia or just fix up Incubator and add more stuff to it.
Also, as Gottistgut said on his talkpage, you could translate free software, like The Battle for Wesnoth (I could help you with the technical aspects), glibc, and desktop environments like KDE.
What say you?
Espreon (talk) 23:18, 4 Winterfylleþ 2013 (UTC)

My adminship


Hey, my adminship expires soonish. Please see my call for re-election here.    Ƿes hāl!     22:21, 11 Winterfylleþ 2013 (UTC)

I left a message saying I'm supporting you, is it considered a vote? If not, how can I vote? --Stardsen (talk) 18:59, 12 Winterfylleþ 2013 (UTC)

No, that's fine - that counts as a vote. Thanks much.    Ƿes hāl!     20:45, 17 Winterfylleþ 2013 (UTC)

You're welcome. --Stardsen (talk) 21:35, 17 Winterfylleþ 2013 (UTC)

ȝƿ -> gw



I saw that you moved 10 Æfterra Ȝēola‎ to 10 Æfterra Gēola‎.

While I appreciate this, you should know that when you are making a ȝƿ -> gw move like that, you really should update the page's corresponding data at Wikidata.

So, as byspel, for the aforementioned pages, go to this page and update the title, the description (usually just "dæȝ"), and the linked article. I also add the ȝƿ as an alias under "Also known as".


Also, are you interested in translating free software, or no?

Espreon (talk) 21:01, 17 Winterfylleþ 2013 (UTC)

Ah, I forgot to mention that to easily get to a page's Wikidata page, click "Edit links" at the bottom of the list of links to the article on other Wikipedias in the left side.
Sorry about that.
Espreon (talk) 21:05, 17 Winterfylleþ 2013 (UTC)
Thanks, I'll try to do it from now, but looks like I can't edit links... --Stardsen (talk) 21:37, 17 Winterfylleþ 2013 (UTC)
You have to look for it on the ȝƿ page.
Espreon (talk) 21:43, 17 Winterfylleþ 2013 (UTC)

PiRSquared17 (talk) 13:21, 13 Blōtmōnaþ 2013 (UTC)

Þanc ēow wæl, ic wylle Middelengliscne Wikipǣdia underhealdan. Ic ēac geseah þæt man ymbe Ealdseaxisc spræc on þisum gesprecsīdan. Þanc :) --Stardsen (talk) 17:50, 13 Gēolmōnaþ 2013 (UTC)Reply

Old Saxon and Locatives



While editing Wikiwordbōc, I saw that this table for Old Saxon pronoun declensions and this noun declension table have a row for what appears to be a locative case. Does Old Saxon have a distinct locative case anywhere even if vestigial, or no? Or perhaps some sources put a row for locatives in declension tables anyway? If either are true, where is the locative row normally placed?


Espreon (talk) 05:14, 25 Blōtmōnaþ 2013 (UTC)

Hi Espreon, I didn't do these two tables, it appears to be a user called James. There was, meine Meinung nach, no locative case in Old Saxon. Old Saxon grammar followed the same pattern as Old English: nominative, accusative, genitive and dative + remains of instrumental. The locative probably existed in Proto-Germanic, but in OS and OE it fell under the dative case. Did you ask James why he put the locative case?

Thanks for noticing. --Stardsen (talk) 21:09, 2 Gēolmōnaþ 2013 (UTC)Reply

Well, if he were still around, I would ask him, but sadly he's not. I guess I'll take those out, then.
Espreon (talk) 00:09, 18 Se Æfterra Gēola 2014 (UTC)Reply

Old Saxon palatalized spirant G



A bit ago, I asked you about the palatalized spirant allophone of Old Saxon on your talk page at the New English Wikipedia, but you haven't answered.

I don't care if you reply here or there; it doesn't matter.


Espreon (talk) 00:09, 18 Se Æfterra Gēola 2014 (UTC)Reply