

Wes hāl, and wilcume tō Wicipǣdian! Wē þanciaþ þē þīnra forðunga.
Ic hopie þæt þē gelīcaþ se stede and gecēosest tō belīfenne. Hēr sind sume trametas þe þu gelāstfulle findan meaht:

Ic hopie þæt þē gelīcaþ tō ādihtenne hēr and tō bēonne Wicibōcere! Bidde sett þīnne naman on gesprectrametum þurh brȳcunge fēower ofertācna (~~~~ ); þis wrīteþ būtan underscyte þīnne naman and þā tælmearce. Gif þu helpes þearft, besēo Wikipedia:Frignunga, bide mec on mīnum gesprectramete, oþþe sett {{tl|helpme}} on þīnne gesprectramet and bide mec þǣr þīnre frignunge. Eft wilcume! --James 00:43, 28 Gēolmōnaþ 2008 (UTC)Reply