Elisabeþ Bǣma Cwēn

Elisabeþ Stigwearding (19. dæg Weodmonðes 1596 to 13. dæg Solmonþes 1662) was Cyrhlæfdige þæs Palatinates and for anum wintre wæs Bæma Cwēn swa wif of Friðerices V þæs Palatinates. Friðeric and Elisabeþ wæron gecuron for Bæmalandes cynedom be þæs rices hlafordum in þæm Þritigwinter Gewinne. Man asettede Friðeric Cyning of his stol æfter anum wintre and þy Elisabeðe binama is "Seo Winter Cwen".

Fæder Iacobus I Grēatre Bryten Cyning
Modor Anne of Denmark
Geboren 19 Weodmonað 1596
Fif Scīr
Deaþ 13 Solmonaþ 1662

Elisabeþ wæs Iacobes VI and I an dohtor Bretta Cyninges. Heo wæs Carles I ieldre sweoster Cyninges. On Scottum wæs heo geboren and fang hiere naman of Elisabeþ I Engla Cwen seo wæs hiere faðres nidmage.