Indisc rīce

(Edlǣded of Indisc rice)

Indealandes grundgesetnes is secgeþ þe þæt rīce is rica gæd[1]. Hit hæfþ eahta and tƿeontig rīciu and seofon Gædes Landscipas. Þā rīciu and landscipas sind ælc bedǣled on læppaum and sƿa forþ.[1]

Rīciu and landscipas

Indealandes tōþegnung dāl: 28 rīce and 7 gædes landscipas.


  1. Andhra Pradesh
  2. Arunachal Pradesh
  3. Assam
  4. Bihar
  5. Chhattisgarh
  6. Goa
  7. Gucgerat
  1. Haryana
  2. Himachal Pradesh
  3. Jammu and Cascmier
  4. Jharkhand
  5. Karnataka
  6. Kerala
  7. Maharashtra
  1. Manipur
  2. Meghalaya
  3. Middelunderrice
  4. Mizoram
  5. Nagaland
  6. Norþunderrice
  7. Orissa
  1. Punjab
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Sikkim
  4. Tamilland
  5. Tripura
  6. Uttarakhand
  7. West Bengal

Gædes Landscipas:

  1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  2. Chandigarh
  3. Dadra and Nagar Haveli
  4. Daman and Diu
  5. Lakshadweep
  6. Delhi Þēodes Hēafodstōl Landscipe
  7. Pondicherry

Dǣlas on Jammu and Cascmiere sind bīsæcu land forþæm Indea, Pacistan and Cīna bespricaþ him and ælc land hæfþ ƿeald ofer dǣl þæs ealdan Cascmier-rīces

Arunachal Pradeshes dǣlas bespriceþ Cīna for Tibete

Ǣr 1956


Todæges Indie toþegnung dālas begunnon in þære Bryttiscum anƿealde of Indie. Bryttisc Indea heald ælmæst eall þæs landes on todæges Indeum, Pacistane, and Bangladesce and hæfde seofontīene underrīciu, ūtan Afghanistane þæt gefriþode rīce and Burman sēo landbūnes. Būtan Bryttiscum anƿeald ac in þæm Indiscum Casererīce ƿæron forþgelangu rīciu under stōƿlicum æþelingum. Mæst þissum dālas abādon æfter selfdōm in 1947, ac Punjab and Bengal þā underrīciu tƿæmedon Indea and Pacistan.

Æfter selfdōm unfriþ betƿēonum mægþum arās and þȳ in 1956 ƿræsnede sē Indisce Ƿitangemōt þæt land be mægþa eardum.

Æfter 1956


Manig nīƿu rīciu and gædes landscipas hæfþ man arærede siððan 1956:

  • Bombay Rīce tƿæmede man in Gucgerat and Maharashtra (1 Þrimilcemōnaþ 1960).
  • Indea gecnyttede þā Frenciscan and Portugaliscan landbūnesse on Indeum and ƿyrhted him gædes landscipas; Pondicherry, Dadra, Nagar Haveli, Goa, Daman, and Diu in 1962.
  • Nagaland ƿeard rīce on 1 Gēolmōnaþ 1963.
  • Of Punjab brāc nīƿu Hinduisc Haryana rīce and his norþernan læppas eodon to Himachal Pradeshe, hƿīl Chandigarhe ceaster betƿuh Punjab and Haryana, begra hēafodstōl ƿeard gædes landscipe, eall on 1 Blōtmōnaþ 1966.
  • Himachal Pradesh ƿeard rīce on 25 Æfterra Gēola 1971.
  • Manipur, Meghalaya and Tripura ƿeardon rīciu on 21 Æfterra Gēola 1972.
  • Sikkim Cynerīce ƿæs gecnytted þæm Indiscum Gæde sƿa rīce on 26 Ēastermōnaþ 1975.
  • Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram ƿeardon rīciu on 20 Solmōnaþ 1987 and Goa on 30 Þrilmilcemōnaþ 1987.
  • Chhattisgarh (1 Blōtmōnaþ 2000, ūt ēasternum Madhya Pradeshe), Uttaranchal (9 Blōtmōnaþ 2000, ūt þæm beorgfæst landum of norþƿesternum Uttar Pradeshe), and Jharkhand (15 Blōtmōnaþ 2000) ūt þæm sūþernum læppum of Bihare ƿeardon rīciu in 2000.
  • Delhi and Pondicherry þā gædes landscipas ælc hæfþ fōn þā riht to ceosenne his agan folcmōt and man teallþ hie sƿa sƿa lylu rīciu in 2000.



Ūtƿearde hlencas


(On Nīƿum Englisc)