- Arasona - Arazona
- Arȝentina - Argentina
- dēorhirde - animal farmer, "animal herder"
- Ȝeāndu Rīcu Ƿīnlandes - United States of America
- ȝeondrīcisce - internationally, "beyond-state-ish-ly"
- oferdeorc - melanistic, "over-dark"
- scildbæcoc - turtle, "shield-back-(creature)" (cg. Icelandic "skjaldbökur")
- reȝnƿeald - rain forrest
- Sūþƿīnland - South America
- Ƿīnland - America, the Americas (cf. Old Norse "Vínland")
- Ƿīnlandinlendisc - American Indian, Native American, "America-Native"
- Ƿīnlendisc panðer - jaguar, "American panther" (because jaguars are the only panthers that live in the Americas)
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