Mossel Flēot
Mossel Flēot is byht and his hæfnburg of Sūðaffrican mid 130,000 onwunendum. Ðēos burg is 250 mīla be ēasten Næssbyrig, sēo is þisses rīces witenagemōtlicu hēafodburg, and ēac 250 mīla be Elisabeþhȳðe. Þisses stedes nama is of þǣm Niþerlendiscum wordum for 'muscelle byht'.
On 3. Solmōnaþ 1488 lendede Bartolomeu Dias mid his liðerum hēr æfter þe hie hæfdon segledon be Gōdes Hyhtes Næss.