scīr of Scotlande
Ross-scīr is scīr on þām Scyttiscum Hēahlandum. Beorgfæst is þis land and in 3,089 mīlum þæs feoƿerscyte sind 69,098 onƿunendas.
In tƿǣm healf is Ross bedæled, benaman Ēaster Ross and Ƿester Ross. Onmang Rosses æcrum sind þrēo and tƿēontig dālas þā belimpeþ Crumbaþynscīr.
Þēos scīre mǣste burg is Ðingƿeall. Ēac in þisse scīr līþ Leƿisīeg.
Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge .