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'''Fladimir Lenin''' (geboren on 22 [[Ēastermōnaþ|Ēastermōnað]] 1870 - cƿæl on 21 [[Æfterra Gēola]] 1924; his nama be gebyrde ƿæs '''Fladimir Ilgic Ulganof''') ƿæs [[Russland|Russlandisc]] Marxisc oferþrāwend and [[gemǣnre ǣhte rǣd|gemǣnǣhtrǣdlīc]] ƿealdsēcend þe lǣdde þā [[Winterfylleþes Oferþrāwende]] on þǣm 1917 gēare.
[[E.A. Poe|l]]