Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/13 Ærra Geola
adihtanBryce AN biliþ on ælc cyrre
Pope Paul III
Baker Building at Dartmouth College
The Sherman Fairchild Sciences complex at Dartmouth College
Ambrose Burnside
Baiji, or Chinese River Dolphin
Saddam Hussein captured by U.S. forces
Wojciech Jaruzelski
adihtanBlurb | Reason |
1642 – Dutch explorer Abel Tasman became the first European explorer to see New Zealand. | featured on November 24 |
1939 – Second World War: The Royal Navy cruisers HMS Exeter, HMS Ajax and HMNZS Achilles defeated the German Deutschland class cruiser Admiral Graf Spee off the estuary of the River Plate off the coast of Argentina and Uruguay. | needs more footnotes |
2003 – Post-invasion Iraq: During Operation Red Dawn, American forces found former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein hiding in a spider hole and captured him. | {{empty section}} and {{quote farm}} |
adihtan- 1545 – The Council of Trent, an ecumenical council convoked by Pope Paul III in response to the growth of Protestantism, opened in Trent, Bishopric of Trent (now in modern Italy).
- 1643 – First English Civil War: Parliamentary forces serving under Sir William Waller led a successful surprise attack on a winter garrison of Royalist infantry and cavalry.
- 1769 – Dartmouth College in present-day Hanover, New Hampshire, US, was established by a Royal Charter and became the last university founded in the Thirteen Colonies before the American Revolution.
- 1809 – American physician Ephraim McDowell performed the world's first removal of an ovarian tumor.
- 1960 – With Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie out of the country, four conspirators staged a coup attempt and installed Crown Prince Asfaw Wossen as the new Emperor.
- 1981 – Polish Prime Minister Wojciech Jaruzelski declared martial law, suspended Solidarity and imprisoned many union leaders.
- 2006 – The baiji, a freshwater dolphin found only in the Yangtze River in China, was announced as functionally extinct by leaders of the Yangtze Freshwater Dolphin Expedition.
13. dæg Geolan: Scte Lucie Mǣssedæg; Tēoþ Dæg on Tefet (on Iudeisc Ǣfæstnesse, 2013); Cynewīse Dæg on Melitan (1974)
- 1577 –Francis Drake Cniht beebbode Sūþtun on Defnum mid fīf scipum and 164 mannum and begann his fare eall ymbe middangearde.
- 1636 – Seo Massachusetts Byht Landbūnes organized þreo fyrd werodas, and man hycð þe hērbe staðoldede hie of þone Þēodlica Weard þāra of Geānedan Rīcan.
- 1862 – Americanisc Ingefēoht: Gædes Here under Ambrose Burnside Heretogan suffered severe casualties against entrenched Confederate defenders æt Friðricesburg Beadwe in Friðricesburg on Virginie.
- 1937 – Ōðru Seringena and Iapanwara Gewinn: Iapanisc wigan fōn Nanking on Seringum and þær begann to dōn manigfealdu māndædas geond þǣm folgendum wucum.
- 2001 – Se Witenagemōt of Indealande wæs onsæcced be fīf scēotendum, þǣrin stearfon 12 menn, and on þǣm getæl þā scēotendas ēac.