Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/16 Haligmonað
16. dæg Haligmonðes : Dieciséis de septiembre in Mexico (1810), Sundorrīcesdæg in Papuan and þǣm Nīƿan Guinean (1975)
- 1597 - Tƿelf scipu þæs Coreaniscan flotheriges þæt þe se flottoga Yi Sun-sin lǣde, besencodon 31 of 133 fēondlican scipu and gelettode Iapaniscan infaru.
- 1941 - Reza Pahlavi, Persa Cyning, āgeaf his cynescipe tō his suna, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi gehāten.
- 1963 - Malæga, Singapore, Norþ Borneo and Saraƿak geānlǣhton tō macienne Malægsie.
- 1982 - Sabra and Shatila: Þæt Falange, Libanisc fyrd, hæfþ micel ƿæl geslægen in sum Palestinisc refugee camp æt Sabra and Shatila.
- 1992 - Blæc Ƿōdnesdæg: Þæt Britisce Pund Līcƿierþe ƿæs ūt ānīeded fram þǣm Europiscum Bemūtunggieldes Searƿe and þrōƿode micele ƿeorþƿanunge.