16. dæg Weodmonðes : Cildra Dæg in Paraguay.

Belgica vor Mount William

  • 1777American Revolutionary War: Þæt Nīƿre Hāmtūnscīre Campƿerod gelǣded fram Iohannes Stark geflīemde Brettisce and Germanisce gefylcu under Friðric Baum in þǣre Beadƿe Bennington.
  • 1819Ēored āsƿēg in menige, ƿarþ þæt folcgemōt in Mameceastre on Lonceasterscīre tō þǣm Peterloo Forslihte.
  • 1896 – Mannhēap þærof wæs Skookum Jim Mason tēoh fand gold nēah Dawsonceaster in þǣm Geocone in Canadan, and þis þing rǣrede þone Klondike Goldrǣs.
  • 1897 – Mid þǣm (oþ þissum) uncūðum Hroald Amundsen on borde ongann of Handƿerpen and of þǣre ƿittcræftlīce andgitfullan Belgiscre-Fare in þæt Antarctisce land.
  • 1987Northwest Airlines Flight 255 crashed after takeoff in Detroit, Michigan, Geānlǣht Rīcu American, cƿealde eall þæs ƿerodes and midfarena būtan ānum.