Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/1 Winterfylleð
1. dæg Winterfylleðes: Þēodlic Dæg in þǣm Folclicre Cyneƿīsan Cīnan (1949); Sundorrīcesdæg in Ciprose & Nigerie (bū 1960), Tufalu (1978) and Palau (1994)
- 331 BC - Beadu Arbela: Þēah þe man hine rīmum micelode, Alexander se Micela Macedones forhīende Darius III Persea Cyning, and man him gebēagod sƿā "Asie Cyning" in gescrife in Arbela (nū Arbil, Irac gehāten).
- 1936 - Sē heretoga Francisco Franco ƿearþ rīcehēafod ofer Spēonland and ƿealdode sƿā tictator oþ þæt hē stearf in 1975.
- 1944 – Massacre æt Marzabotto: Wehrmacht and SS ācƿellodon ofer 800 manna be Bologna.
- 1949 – Mao Zedong ābēad þā Folces Lēodþing Cīna.
- 1977 - Brasilisc fōtclyƿe star Edson Arantes do Nascimento, bet cūþ sƿā Pelé, played his last professional football game .