Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/21 Eastermonað
adihtanBryce AN biliþ on ælc cyrre
Romulus and Remus
Sam Houston
Sam Houston
Brasilia Hēafodcirice
Manfred von Richthofen, "Se Rēada Þegn"
Maharlika (bregohād) þæs Tondo Rīce
Heanrig VIII Engla Cyning
adihtanBlurb | Reason |
Tiradentes Dæg in Brazil | no footnotes |
1894 – Norway formally adopted the Krag-Jørgensen, a repeating bolt action rifle designed by the Norwegians Ole Herman Johannes Krag and Erik Jørgensen, as the main firearm of its armed forces. | refimprove section, unreferenced section |
1960 – Brasília (Cathedral of Brasilia pictured), a planned city primarily designed by architect and urban planner Lúcio Costa, was officially inaugurated, replacing Rio de Janeiro as the capital of Brazil. | refimprove |
1967 – Colonel Georgios Papadopoulos overthrew the government of Greek Prime Minister Panagiotis Kanellopoulos in a coup d'état, establishing the Regime of the Colonels. | refimprove sections |
1970 – In response to a long-running dispute over wheat production quotas, the Principality of Hutt River proclaimed their secession from Western Australia. | lots of {{cn}} tags |
adihtan- 753 BC – Romulus and Remus founded Rome, according to the calculations by Roman scholar Varro Reatinus.
- 1509 – Henry VIII became King of England, following the death of his father Henry VII, eventually becoming a significant figure in the history of the English monarchy.
- 1836 – Texan forces led by Sam Houston defeated General Antonio López de Santa Anna and his Mexican troops in the Battle of San Jacinto near La Porte, the decisive battle in the Texas Revolution.
- 1863 – After the Ottoman Empire exiled him from Baghdad, Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, began his twelve-dæg stay in the Garden of Ridván where he declared his mission as "He whom God shall make manifest".
- 1975 – Nguyen Van Thieu resigned as President of South Vietnam, and was replaced by Tran Van Huong, as communist forces closed in on victory.
21. dæg Eastermonðes:
- 1509 – Heanrig VIII fang to rīce on Englum, æfter his fæder dēaþe se ƿæs Heanrig VII Cyning, and hƿīlum ƿeard geong Heanrig micel cyning in Engliscum stǣre.
- 1918 – Manfred von Richthofen (on biliþe), gecnaƿen sƿa se "Rēada Þegn", ƿæs asceoten þe his lyftcræft feall and he forþferde nēah Vaux-sur-Somme on Francum, æfter a career as se fremfullosta feohtend fleogend þære Forma Ƿoruldgūþe hƿærin feollen to his sceotung 80 menn in lyftsæcce.
- 1934 – Þæs "Lǣces Lēohtbiliþ", se bespæc þe he acȳðede þone Nessmeres Æglǣcan (oððæt ðe man hine eft anƿrēah þe he ƿæs lēasung), ƿæs in þæm Daily Mail gestutoled.
- 1962 – Sēo Century 21 Exposition, þe ƿæs sēo forma ƿorulde cēapmitting on þāra Geānlǣhtum Rīcum siþþan þa Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ, opnede in Seattle.
- 1992 – Radio steorrlārmen Aleksander Ƿolszczan and Dale Frail asƿutoledon þa hie hæfdon afunden tƿegen dƿelienda tunglas ƿyrhted hƿyrft, ymbe PSR 1257+12 pulsar, and þes ƿæs se ǣrrsta fæst arās of dƿelienda tunglas ymbe oþrum stēorrum.