Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/5 Weodmonað
5. dæg Weodmonðes : Sundorrīcesdæg in Burkina Faso (1960)
- 642 - Penda Miercna Cyning forhīende and ācƿealde Osƿald Norþhymbra Cyning in þǣre Maserfelþ Beadƿe and ƿierþ mihtigost Engleseaxisc ƿealdenda in þissum yldu.
- 1100 - Heanric I ƿæs gebēagod sƿā Engla cyning in Ƿestmynstre.
- 1858 - Cyrus West Field and gesiðas fulendedon þæt ǣrrste Oferƿestgarsecges beacencumbol rāp.
- 1861 - Þæt Geānedena Rīca lēodƿeard þurhteah his ǣrrsta incyme scot : 3% of eallum ingieldum ofer 800 dǣlrum (ungedōn in 1872).
- 1995 - Storm Beadoƿeorc : Horigtisc þrēat fang Knin þā burh of þǣre Serbiscan Cyneƿīsan Krajinan.