Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/9 Þrimilcemonað



Bryce AN biliþ on ælc cyrre


Blurb Reason
328Athanasius became the Patriarch of Alexandria. refimprove section, citation style
1092Lincoln Cathedral in Lincolnshire, England, was consecrated. refimprove
1901 – The first Parliament of Australia opened in the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne, exactly 26 years (1927) before it moved to Canberra's Provisional Parliament House, and exactly 87 years (1988) before it moved into the Parliament House in Canberra. refimprove
1904 – On a trip from Plymouth to London Paddington, the City of Truro reputedly became the first steam locomotive in Europe to travel in excess of 100 mph (160 km/h), although this was not verified by physical recording of speed. refimprove section
1946Italian King Victor Emmanuel III abdicated, hoping to influence the vote on a referendum to decide whether Italy should retain the monarchy or become a republic. refimprove
1950French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman presented the Schuman Declaration, a proposal to place France's and West Germany's coal and steel industries under joint management, triggering a series of events that eventually led to the founding of the European Union. Schuman: refimprove, conflict of interest; Declaration: refimprove
1950Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard was first published, describing his self-improvement techniques known as Dianetics, which later became part of the wider subject of Scientology. tagged {{or}}
1955Jim HensonBysen:`s most famous Muppet Kermit the Frog made his debut on the television show Sam and Friends. refimprove section



9. dæg Þrimilcemonðes: Siges Dæg in missenlicum Ēasternum Europiscum landum; Europa Dæg oðþe Schuman Dæg in þæm Europiscan Gesamnunge; Sundorrīcesdæg in Romanie (1877)