Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/Blōtmōnaþ 4

4 Blōtmōnaþ: Fanan Dæg in Panaman, Ānhāddæg in Russlande.

Cavour Eorl, scieppend þǣre Italiscan Geānlǣcunge

  • 1852Cavour Eorl wearþ fyrmescealc þæs Cynerīces Piedmontes-Sardinian, þe sōna gebrǣdede tō weorðenne þæt Cynerīce Italia.
  • 1869Nature, one of the oldest and most reputable general purpose scientific journals, wæs ǣrest gewīdmǣrsod.
  • 1890London's City & South London Railway, the first deep-level underground railway in the world, opened, running a distance of 5.1 km (3.2 mi) betwēonan the Lundenbyrg and Stoccwielle.
  • 1979Hundredu Persiscra lēornera, þe Persena æfterpost-revolutionary regime bigstōdon, gefēngon þæt Americanisc ǣrendhūs in Tehran, beginning a 444-day hostage crisis.
  • 1995Israhēlisc Forma Þegn Yitzhak Rabin wearþ dēadlīce gewundod fram Yigal Amir under þǣm þe hē wæs æt friðe gaderunge æt þǣm Cyninga Israhēles Stealle in Tel Aviv.
  • Nīwlice dagas: 3 Blōtmōnaþ2 Blōtmōnaþ1 Blōtmōnaþ