Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/15 Haligmonað
15. dæg Haligmonðes : Sundorrīcesdæg for Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador (all 1821)
- 1830 – Se Liferpōl and Mameceaster Īsernƿeg opend man and he ƿæs se ǣrresta selfferend gedrohted īsernƿeg to hlencenne tƿā miclu ceastre.
- 1835 - On borde HMS Beagle þǣm scipe, arǣcced Charles Darwin þā Galāpagos Īega, ðǣr ongann hē to develop his theories of evolution.
- 1916 - Byrneƿægnas, þā "dǣglan ƿæpnas" þæs Britisca Here in þǣre Forma Ƿoruldgūþ, ǣrrste brōhted man in beadƿe æt þǣm Sunnan Beadƿe.
- 1935 - Natsi Þēodscland onfang þā Nuremberg Gesetnesse, ðā anām of Þēodsc Iūdēias hiere burgscipe, and nīƿ rīces fāna mid þǣm Hācanrōde.
- 1950 - Incheon Landing: Geānlǣht Rīcu American forces landed at Incheon, Corēa.
- 1952 - United Nations ongeaf Sigelhearƿenalande Æriþrean.