Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/27 Haligmonað
27. dæg Haligmonðes : Egesa Hunger Gemyndingdæg on þǣm Ucrægnan;
- 1540 - Paul III pāpa gave the final approval to the formation of the Iesusgyld by St. Ignatius of Loyola.
- 1940 - The Tripartite Pact was signed in Berlin by the major Axis Powers — Nazi Þēodiscland, Fascist Italy and þā Iapaniscan Rīce.
- 1983 - Richard Stallman announced the GNU project tō macienne sum frēo Unixlic operating system.
- 1996 - Þa Talibanas habbaþ þone foresittend Burhanuddin Rabbani ādrifen of þǣm Afghan hēafodstōl Cabūl and þone ealdor foresittend Mohammad Najibullah ācƿellode, and onstealdon Afghanistan þæt Islamisc Bregorīce.