Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/29 Weodmonað
29. dæg Weodmonðes : Symbeldæg for behēafdung þæs hālgan Iohannes þæs forecumere (Eastern Crīstendōm)
- 1526 - Suleiman se Dryhtlic, brego þæs Oþomaniscan Rīca, forhīende and cƿellode þone last Iagiellonisc Ungrena and Bæma Cyning æt þǣre Mohācs Beadƿe.
- 1786 - Bitere yrþlingas in Ƿesternum Massachusetts, gebulgon be hēam scot byrðtenmeto and cēosrihtlēasnesse, ongunnon þæt Shays Ƿiðsæcc.
- 1907 - Se Cƿuebec Brycg him tōfēoll hƿīlum ðe man him timbrode, and 75 ƿyrhtan ƿæron geslean.
- 1944 - Slofac cempan ƿendon ƿiþ ðone Nazi gesibbodan rīcehād Jozefes Tiso and ƿið þone Þēodisca Here, and ongeann þā Slovacena Þeodisca Uprǣs.
- 1982 - Meitnerium, mangeƿyrtne gesceafte mid þǣm mōtlicum getæle 109, ǣrrste scōp man in Darmstadt on Þēodsclande.