Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/31 Winterfylleð
31. dæg Winterfylleðes : Ednīwung Dæg in þara Onwendungum Ciricum.
- 475 – Romulus Augustulus fang to rīce and ƿeard se Ƿesterna Romanisca Casere.
- 1517 – Cirice Ednīƿung: Martin Luther anæglaþ his 95 þeses on þære dure þæs Castelcirice in Ƿittenbeorge.
- 1876 – Micel sturm forhergaþ Indean, and forsƿefaþ 200,000 menn.
- 1956 – Suez Camp: Þæt Geānede Cynerīce and Francland onginnaþ to bomb Ǣgyptus þone Suez Ƿæterƿeg be niede eft to opnienne.
- 1961 – In þære Sofiet Gesamnunge, Iosephes Stalines lic animþ man of Lenines Byrgenhūse.
- 1984 – Se Indisca Forma Þegn Indira Gandhi is geslean be tƿǣm seleƿeardum. Unfriþ abrēcaþ in Nīƿum Delhi and ælmæst 10,000 Sikhs ƿeaorþan geslean.
- 1999 – scipincelman Jesse Martin cymþ eft on Melburnan æfter 11 monaþum hƿærin ymbegesiglode he eall middangeard, anhaga, būtan stande and fultimlēas.