Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/3 Weodmonað
3. dæg Weodmonðes : Sundorrīcesdæg in Niger (1960)
- 435 - Nestorius, Nestorianismes staþolere, ƿǣs beƿrǣcon be Þeodosius II Ēastrōmānisc Cāsere in mynster on Ægypte.
- 1916 - Roger Casement Cniht ahanged man for his māndǣdum in þǣm Ēaster Upaspringnesse on Īrum.
- 1923 - Calvin Coolidge asette man sƿa se 30e Foresittend þāra Geānlǣhtra Rīca, and he folgdede Warren G. Harding.
- 1940 - Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ : Ymbe 175,000 Italisce cempan onsƿōgon Bryttisc Somalaland, and ðȳ ongannon hie þa Ēastaffrica Fyrdinge.
- 1948 - Whittaker Chambers belegde Alger Hiss þe he ƿær Gemǣnre ǣhte rǣdbora and Sofiet hlosna.