Willelm IV Bretta Cyning
Willelm IV wæs Bretta Cyning and Hanofres Cyning fram 26. dæg Searmonðes 1830 oþ his deaþ in 1837. He wæs Georges III þridde sunu cyninges and fang to rice æfter his ieldrum broþre, se wæs Georgius IV Bretta Cyning.
Willelm IV | |
Hus | Hanofer |
Fæder | Georgius III Bretta Cyning |
Modor | Carlotta of Micelbyrg-Strelicce |
Geboren | 21 Weodmonað 1765 Buckingham Palace |
Deaþ | 20 Sēremōnaþ 1837 Windsor Castle |
Handseten |
In his geoguð wæs Willelm liþmann þæs Cynelican Scipheres and wæs lang in þæm Brittiscan Norþamerican and on þæm Westindiegum. Þan he wæs cyning wæs his binama se "Liðmann Cyning".
In 1789 anam Willelm Æþeling niwu titul; Heretoga of Clarence and of Halgan Andreas. In 1827, he weard Hlaford Heah Scipheretoga (se form siððan 1709).
Willelmes twegen iedran breðer forþferde buton bearn and þy on 26. dæg Searmonðes 1830 fang Willelm to rice in his feower and siextigoþum wintre.
In his cynedom wæs þēowdōm adielgod in eallum þæm Bryttiscan Rice. Eac gebette he manig gesetnesse in Breten, and ofersæ in geaf he Hanofre his agan grundgesetnes.
William Cyning beweddod Æþelhæþ of Seaxe-Meiningen. Heo bar him nan bearn (oððæt ðe he hæfde tiene docincel mid Dorothea Iordan, plegestre). His æftergengan wæron Uictoria Cwen on Brettum and Ernest Augustus in Hanofre.