Willelm III Bretta Cyning

Engla, Scotta and Ira Cyning, Brego of Orange
(Edlǣded of Willelm and Maria)

William III (4. dæg Blotmonðes 1650 – 8. dæg Hreðmonðes 1702), oðre naman Willelm of Orange, wæs Orange Brego from his cenning and weard Stedeholdere of Holtland, Sæland, Utreht, Guelders, and Oferissel in þære Niðerlendiscan Cynewisan fram the 1670s.

William III and II
Cynedom 1689 oþ 8. dæg Hreðmonðes 1702
Foregenga Iacobus II
Æftergenga Anne
Hus Orangingas
Fæder Willelm II Orange Brego
Modor Maria
Geboren 14 Blotmonað 1650
Deaþ 8 Hreðmonað 1702, 19 Hreðmonað 1702
Kensington Palace, Lunden
Handseten Willelm III Bretta Cyning handseten

In 1688 onswog Willelm Englaland and in 1689 weard he Engla and Ira Cyning mid his wife Maria, and Scotlandes Witenagemot abannede hiere efenrice eac in þæm lande. Ætgædre wæron Willelm and Maria efenwealdendas ofer Englalande, Irlande and Scotlande from 1689 oð Marie deað in 1694: æfter þisse wæs Willelm anwealda, oð his agnum deaþ in 1702. His æftergenga, be þæs Witenamotes wille, wæs Anne Marie sweoster.

Þes cynedom mid twæm wealdan het þæm Willelm and Maria rice.

Willelm wæs Willelmes II an sunu Orange Breges be his wife Maria seo wæs Carles dohtor Cyninges. Willelm Brego stearf an wucu fore his sunan acenning and þy wæs Willelm III Orangan Brego fram his cennesse. Willelm beweddode Maria in 1677 oððæt ðe hie wæron gesweor: Maria wæs Iacobes ieldste dohtor Eoferwic Heretogan and Carles bewimman Cyninges.

Trym Oncweðend wæs Willelm and he feaht in his fædres winnum wiþ Hloðwig XIV. Hierde wæs Willelm onmang Oncweðendas.

In 1685 fang Iacobus to rice on Englum se wæs Willelmes eam and his wifes fæder, ac Iacobus wæs Remeallic and his underþeoden andræded þære æfæstnesse edstaðelung in þissum lande. Þy in 1688 halfordas on Brettum laðode Willelm þe he cym hider to asettienne Iacobus Cyning. Willelm for to Englalane and Iacobus wæs adrifen in þære Mære Hwearfunge.

In his cynedomes ærrum gearum wæs Willelm oft ofersæ æt guðe in þæm Nigon Geara Gwewinne of 1688 oþ 1697 wiþ Francas and Maria ricsode anhaga. Heo forðferde in 1694.

Nan bearn baren Willelm and Maria and his iefe wæs Anne ac hiere bearn eall stearfon in þæm cradole butan Willelm Heretoga of Gleawcestre se stearf in cildhad in 1700. Þy abannded on Willelm and his witenagemotas staðoldon þa Hanoferingas swa iefan.

In 1702 stearf Willelm and Anne fang to rice on Englum, Scottum and Irum hwile in ðæm Niðerlandum weard Iohannes Willelm Friso Stedehealdere and Brego of Orange.

Cyningas of Englalande, Scotlande and Grēatre Brytene

Engla ƿealdendas fore 1603 Scotta ƿealdendas fore 1603

Æþelstan  • Ēadmund I  • Ēadred  • Ēadƿig  • Ēadgar I  • Ēadweard se Martyr  • Æþelred Unrǣd  • Swegn  • Ēadmund II  • Cnut  • Harold Harafōt  • Harðacnut  • Ēadƿeard Andettere  • Harold II  • Ēadgar II  • Ƿillelm I  • Ƿillelm II  • Heanric I  • Stefn  • Cāseren Mæþhild • Heanric II  • Riċheard I  • Iohannes  • Heanric III  • Ēadƿeard I  • Ēadƿeard II  • Ēadƿeard III  • Riċheard II  • Heanric IV  • Heanric V  • Heanric VI  • Ēadƿeard IV  • Ēadƿeard V  • Riċheard III  • Heanric VII  • Heanric VIII  • Ēadƿeard VI  • Iane • Maria I  • Elisabeþ I

Cenneþ I  • Dufenal I  • Costontinus I  • Æd  • Giric  • Eochaid  • Dufenal II  • Costontinus II  • Mælcolm I  • Indulf  • Dub  • Cuilén  • Cenneþ II  • Costontinus III  • Cenneþ III  • Mælcolm II  • Dunecan I  • Macbeoþan  • Lulach  • Mælcolm III  • Dyfenal III  • Dunecan II  • Dufenal III  • Ēadgar  • Alexander I  • Dauid I  • Mælcolm IV  • Willelm I  • Alexander II  • Alexander III  • Meregrot  • Forma Cyninglēastīd  • Iohannes  • Oðer Cyninglēastīd  • Roðbert I  • Dauid II  • Roðbert II  • Roðbert III  • Iacobus I  • Iacobus II  • Iacobus III  • Iacobus IV  • Iacobus V  • Maria I  • Iacobus VI

Engla and Scotta anƿealdendas siþðan þæm Cynebeaga Gæd in 1603

Iacobus I & VI  • Carl I  • Cyninglēastīd  • Carl II  • Iacobus II & VII  • Ƿillelm and Maria, þan Ƿillelm anhaga  • Anne  • Georgius I  • Georgius II  • Georgius III  • Georgius IV  • Ƿillelm IV  • Uictoria  • Ēadƿeard VII  • Georgius V  • Ēadƿeard VIII  • Georgius VI  • Elisabeþ II  • Carl III

* Æƿēnu rican and bisǣccu earon in italiscum stafum.