Brūcend:ReyBrujo/Dumps/20070402/Articles with more than 5 external links


Articles with more than 5 external links as of April 02, 2007. Only articles in the main space are considered.

Article ID Article
35 4319 Lǣden-ofgangena stæfrǣwa
24 2001 Albania
22 2268 Hebrēisc sprǣc
21 4961 Rosenrot
20 5151 Sicilia
18 1766 Francland
13 747 Ēastrīce
11 666 Swēoland
11 3863 Smallville (TV endebyrdnes)
10 674 Īsland
10 133 Dȳfung
10 712 Sciþþie
10 2863 Dēaðas in 2005
9 2265 Engel
8 3768 Pluto
8 2081 Kylie Minogue
8 5121 Nīl (trūðhlōð)
8 5108 Nile (trūðhlōð)
8 4680 Ingang:Stǣr
8 5130 ᚾᛁᛚᛖ (ᛏᚱᚢᚦᚻᛚᚩᚦ)
8 4958 Bēowulf
7 550 Nīwe Eoforwīc
7 1982 Virginia
6 4306 Stǣrwrītere
6 1604 Indo-Europisc geþéodu
6 3620 Cwatbrycg, Scrobbesbyrgscīr
6 3798 Windlesōra
6 691 Fermat tæl
6 328 Gregorisc gerīmbōc
5 2116 Gafolbyrðen in Þēodisclande
5 3907 Hunigbēo
5 3766 Saturnus (planēta)
5 2877 Sǣweard