Ēadgar Æðeling
Ēadgar Æþeling oþþe Ēadgar Cild (Niwenglisc: Edgar Ætheling or Edgar II) ƿæs se endemesta ƿer þæs Ƿestseaxna Cerdicinga cynecynn. Þa Ƿitan him tō cyninge geceoren, ac næfe fōn hē þæt cynehelm.
Ēadgar Æþeling (Ēadgar II Engla Cyning) | |
Gehalgod | næfre |
Foregenga | Harold II |
Æftergenga | Ƿillelm I |
Fæder | Ēadƿeard Eardƿrecca |
Modor | Agaþa |
Geboren | ymbe 1051 Ungerland |
Deaþ | ymbe 1126 (75 ƿintra) ungecnaƿen |
Byrgen | ungecnaƿen |
On Ungerlande ƿæs Ēadgar geboren. Hē ƿæs Ēadƿeardes Eardƿreccaes ana sunu, ierfa þæs Engla cynedōm, and ƿæs Ēadmundes II Cyninges ("Irensides") sunsunu.
Æt his fæder deaþ in 1057 ƿæs Ēadgar genamod ierfa be his fæderan Ēadƿeard Cyning. Æt þæs cyninges dēaðe in Æfterran Gēolan 1066 ƿæs Ēadgar giet ofergeong tō ƿerienne þæt rīce, forþǣm þe him ƿæs gecyðd þæt Ƿyllelm bastard eorle of Normandige ƿolde hider 7 þis land geƿinnen. Þy Ƿitenagemot cēos Harold Gōdƿines sunu, Ēadƿeardes Cyninges āðum, sƿa Harold II. Æfter Haroldes dēaðe æt Hæstinga Bēadƿe on Sæternesdæge 14 Ƿinterfylleþes 1066 ƿæs Ēadgar tō cyninge gecoren be Ƿitenagemot in Lundene. Næfre ƿæs hē tō cyninge gehalod, and be niede cƿōm hē tō Ƿillelme and sƿēor him aðas æt feoƿertiene oþþe fiftiene ƿintra ielde.
Æfter his scortum cynedōme lifde Ēadgar Æþeling lang and full līf. Hē fōhtede in þrim ƿiþfeohtum ƿiþ Frenciscum cyningum of Englalande. Hē þegnede for þǣm Casere of Constantinopolis in þǣm Ƿæringa Ƿeard æt Constantinopolis and ƿæs campealdor þæs Caseres þrēates in þǣm Firstum Fare. Man sægþ þe hē forþfērde on 1126 on Scottum.
Ǣr līf
adihtanĒadgares fæder ƿæs Ēadƿeard Eardƿrecca, ierfa þæs Engliscan cynedōm, and his mōdor ƿæs Agaþa. Ēadgares ieldrafæder ƿæs Ēadmund II þone hēt man Ēadmund Irensīd. Ēadƿeard and Ēadgar Æþelingas cƿōmon on Englas of Ungerlande in 1057, ac in þǣm ilcan geare forþfērde Ēadƿeard. Ēadgar ƿæs afēded in Ēdƿeardes Cyninges hired, mid his sƿeostrum, Margareta (seo ƿearþ Scotta Cƿēn) and Christina.
Æfter Ƿillelmes Tōcyme
adihtanǷillelm bastard gehiersomode eall Englalande on 1066. Ƿillelm heold Ēadgar in his griþe and brōhtede hine on his hired in Normandig. Nāþȳlǣs, þā Ēadƿine and Morkere Eorlas ƿigon ƿiþ Ƿillelme in 1068, āfēgede Ēadgar hie and þa Ƿillelm sige hæfde fliemede Ēadgar on Mælcolmes III Scotta Cyninges gryþ. Þæt niehste gēar married Ēadgares Melcolm sƿeoster Margaret, and geaf Ēadgare fulltum tō sēcenne þone Engliscan cynedōm.
Ēadgar geþingode mid Sƿegne Dena Cyning (Cnutes Cyninges nefa (sē gelīefde þe hē ƿæs Engla riht cyning). Ēadgares and Sƿegnes þrēatas insƿēogon Englaland in 1069 and āfōn Eoferƿic. Ƿillelm cƿōm on þone norþan, and āƿēstede þæt land. Hē gieald þa Dene tō āfeorsienne and Ēadgar flīemede eft on Scottas. Þa bād hē on ƿræcce oþ 1072 þa Mælcolme Cyning be niede geþingode mid Ƿillelme, and þǣrin sƿeor Ēadgar Æþeling tō foreƿriītenne of Scotlande. Ēadgar macode tīmlīce his friþ mid Ƿillelme in 1074.
Æfter Ƿillelmes I dēaðe in 1087 geaf Ēadgar fulltum tō Ƿillelmes ieldsta sune Rodbeart ƿiþ his ōðrum sune Ƿillelm II (Ƿillelm Rufus) in 1091 and eft be niede flīemede on Scottas. On Scottum geaf hē fultum his sƿēostorsunan, Ēadgar, þe meahte þone Scyttiscan cynedōm niman and þæs giengra Ēadgares fadera, Dyfenal III Scotta Cyning, oferƿeorpan in 1097.
Stǣrƿritere Sir Steven Runciman secgþ þe Ēadgar ƿæs on ƿræcce in Constantinopolis siþþan 1098 and perhaps hē þegnede in þǣm Ƿæringa Ƿeard under Alexius I Constantinopolis Casere, þæt ƿæs in þissum ielde gefylled mid Engliscum hūscarlum. In 1098 geaf Alexius I Casere him flēot tō bringenne fulltume þǣm Forman Fare. Ēadgar brōhte fultum and heregeatu þǣm Casere æt Antiochie on 4 Hrēþmōnaþ 1098.
Ēadgar cƿōm on Europan mid Rodbeart Eorl and fōhtede mid Rodbeart æt Tenercebrai in 1106 ƿiþ Heanrig I Engla Cyning. Ēadgar æþeling þe litle ær fram þǣm cynge tō þǣm eorle ƿæs gefaren þǣr ƿæs ēac gefangen. Þǣræfter abēag hē tō his tūne on Heortfordscire. Ēadgares sƿeostorbearn Ēadgyþ Mahalde ƿæs Heanriges Cyninges cƿēn.
Man ālīefþ þe Ēadgar fōr tō Scotlande late in his līfe (forþǣm þe hē ƿæs giet cƿic on Scottum in 1125 þa ƿæs Dauid I Scotta Cyning), ac hē forþfērde eftsōn þa ƿæs hē æfter seofentieþ ƿintre.
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