Eall gewritu
- Ceace
- Cead
- Cead mere
- Ceadmere
- Ceafer
- Ceagos Īeghēap
- Cealchōh
- Ceapmannahæfn
- Ceapungtæcn
- Ceapungtācn
- Ceasterfeld Dōmhūs, Firginiæ
- Ceasterfeldsċīr (Firginiæ)
- Ceasterscir
- Ceasterscír
- Ceasterscīr
- Ceawlin Westseaxna Cyning
- Cecland
- Cecoslofacia
- Cefet-MG
- Cefet-RJ
- Cefet/RJ
- Ceir Starmer
- Cell
- Cellphone
- Celpene
- Celtisc spræc
- Celtisca sprǣca
- Cenia
- Cenneþ I Scotta Cyning
- Cenred Miercna Cyning
- Cent
- Centenera de Andaluz
- Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca
- Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais
- Centrumburh (Firginiæ)
- Centrumburh (Uirginiæ)
- Centuccīg
- Ceocolate
- Ceocōlāte
- Ceorfdēor
- Ceorla Wudu
- Ceorlette
- Ceorlette (Norþcarolīna)
- Ceorlette Amaliaburh
- Ceorlettesfyll
- Ceosapēac (Firginiæ)
- Ceosapēac (Uirginiæ)
- Ceosapēac Byht
- Ceosapēac Byht Brycgtunne
- Cerbón
- Cerdic
- Ceres
- Ceroke sprǣc
- Cerryscīr
- Cesena
- Cethāmīega
- Cethāmīga
- Ceylon
- Chad
- Cham
- Charlemagne
- Charles Darwin
- Charleston, Ƿest Virginia
- Charleston (West Virginia)
- Charleston (Westvirginia)
- Charlotte Grantanbrycge Hlæfdige
- Charmed
- ChatGPT
- Chaþedralceaster
- Cheese
- Cheetah
- Chemical element
- Chenaresburg
- Chesapeake Bay
- Cheshire
- Chess
- Chester A. Arthur
- Cheyenne
- Cheyenne, Wyoming
- Cheyenne (Wyoming)
- Chicago
- Chicago Red Stars
- Chiemi Tanaka
- Chile
- Chilean folc
- Chillán (Cile)
- Chillán (on Cilan)
- Chiri Burhtūn
- Chopin
- Chris Pine
- Chris Pratt
- Christian IX Dēna Cyning
- Christian I Dēna Cyning
- Christian Nodal
- Christian X Dēna Cyning
- Christianity
- Christmas
- Christopher Columbus
- Chrono Trigger
- Chærendeby
- Cibuti
- Cicen
- Cicēa
- Cicġan (Cile)
- Cidones
- Ciese
- Cigean (Cile)
- Cigudosa
- Cilcennyscīr
- Cildarascīr
- Cile
- Cina
- Cina Folclicu Cynewise
- Cina seo Folclice Cynewise
- Cinan Folclicu Cynewise
- Cincardinscīr
- Cincinnati
- Cincinnāti
- Cincinnātig
- Cinross-scīr
- Cippanhamm
- Cipros
- Circolwyrde
- Cirenceaster
- Cirgisstan
- Ciria
- Ciribas
- Cirice
- Cirice Edniwung
- Cirice Ednīwung
- Cirice Ednīƿung
- Cirice eadnīwung
- Ciriceburna
- Ciriceby Hundoldæl
- Ciricecuðbrihtscir
- Ciricecuðbrihtscīr
- Ciricehūs
- Ciricewæl
- Cirujales del Río
- City of Heroes
- Ciwi
- Clackmannanscīr
- Clafer
- Clahmannanscīr
- Clappa
- Clarenceīeg, Sūþhjaltland
- Clarscīr
- Claudus Bogas-Lēo, 14. Eorl Sraþmōre and Cynghorne
- Clef
- Cleofanwyrm
- Clerke Clūdas
- Cliferfētedēor
- Cliftūn (Firginiæ)
- Cliftūn (Uirginiæ)
- Cliftūnsmiþian
- Climate
- Club de Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata
- Clærmunt, Californie
- Clāðas
- Clēafaland
- Clēofanwyrm
- Clīewen fōtball
- Clīewen fōtþōðer
- Clīeƿen fōtball
- Clūfdenu
- Clūsenburg
- Cnapatūn, Norþ Þriðing
- Cnihtas þæm Temple
- Cnocc on Stæffordscire
- Cnoccsfyll
- Cnoccstūn, Tennesīeg
- Cnut
- Cnut IV Dena Cyning
- Cnut IV Dēna Cyning
- Cnut se Micela
- Cnēo
- Cnēowcræft
- Cnēowcræftlīċ Sēþung Hrungmearc
- Cnīf
- Cocc end Beall Pinung
- Cociega
- Cod
- Codæppel
- Cofentreo
- Coffee
- Colenceaster (Firginiæ)
- Colenceaster (Uirginiæ)
- Coln
- Colneceaster
- Colnes Hēafodcirice
- Colo-Colo
- Colombia
- Color
- Coloradespryngs
- Colorado
- Colour
- Coluile
- Columba
- Columbia
- Columbia, Sūþ Carolina
- Columbia (Sūþ Carolina)
- Columbia (Sūþcarolīna)
- Columbus (Ohio)
- Colōnustrand
- Commonwealth of Australia
- Communism
- Comorosiega
- Comorosrice
- Compromise rules
- Computer
- Computer game
- Comēta
- Concepcion
- Concepcion Hēafodcirice
- Concord, Nīwu Hāmtūnscīr
- Concord, Nīƿu Hāmtūnscīr
- Concord (Nīwu Hāmtūnscīr)
- Confederate States of America
- Confucius
- Congoland
- Conig
- Coning
- Coninghūs, Californie
- Connecticut
- Constantinopolis
- Constantinopolis Rice
- Constontinus II Crēca Cyning
- Constontinus II Scotta Cyning
- Constontinus I Creca Cyning
- Constontinus I Scotta
- Constontinus I Scotta Cyning
- Consula bōc
- Consulabōc
- Continent
- Conþepþeon
- Cooperīeg
- Copanwæġ
- Coper
- Copiapó (Cile)
- Copiapó (on Cilan)
- Coralsǣ Īege Landscipe
- Corbin Bleu
- Corcaig
- Corcaigscīr
- Corea
- Coreca
- Coritiba Foot Ball Club
- Corn
- Corn Flakes
- Cornweal
- Cornweall
- Cornƿeall
- Coronaclēofanwyrm
- Coronel Fabriciano
- Corsica
- Corēa
- Cosco
- Coscurita
- Costa Rica
- Cotingaham
- Cousteau
- Covaleda
- Coventry
- Coyhaique
- Coġaġce
- Crabba
- Crabba (dēor)
- Crabba (steorra)
- Crabba (stēorran)
- Cracow
- Cranberge
- Cranberie
- Cranberry
- Crecaland
- Crecganford
- Crecisc sprǣc
- Creme
- Creme Cynewise
- Creto
- Cridiantūn
- Cristbodiġ
- Cristcirice, Nīwe Sǣland
- Cristemaesse
- Cristen
- Cristendōm
- Cristesmæsse
- Cristesmæsseīeg
- Cristmæsse
- Cristofer Columbus
- Croatia
- Croatisc sprǣc
- Crocesleag
- Crossbow
- Crumbaþynscīr
- Cræftlic scātung
- Cræftlicu endebyrdung
- Crécland
- Créoprúm
- Crístemæsse
- Crístesmæsse
- Crāwe
- Crāwlēac
- Crāƿlēac
- Crēaca Cyning
- Crēacisc sprǣc
- Crēca Cyning
- Crēcaland
- Crēcisc sprǣc
- Crēcland
- Crēland
- Crēopungrūm
- Crīce
- Crīstcirice
- Crīstemæsse
- Crīstendōm
- Crīstendōme
- Crīstesmæsse
- Crīstesmæsse Īeg
- Cu
- Cuba
- Cubilla
- Cubo de la Solana
- Cucler
- Cucumber
- Cueva de Ágreda
- Culferceaster
- Culfre
- Culmille
- Cumbraland
- Cumbraland/ȝƿ
- Cumbtūn, Californie
- Cuneglaesse
- Cuneglæsse
- Cunelle
- Cuningstūn, East Þriðing
- Curan
- Curgyld þāra Geāndena Rīca American
- Curitiba
- Cursson, Californie
- Curān
- Cuscan Rīce
- Cutey Honey
- Cuwait
- Cuwaites Dryhten
- Cuƿait