Eall gewritu
- Ice cream
- Ice hockey
- Iceland
- Ichikawadaimon, Yamanashi
- Ichiro Mizuki
- Icice
- Iconium
- Idaho
- Idles
- Ieldra Fuþark
- Ieldu Ríca
- Ieldu Rīca
- Ieoþwel se Andfeax
- Iericho
- Ierusalem
- Iervis Byht Landscipe
- Ieshaiah
- Iesus
- Iesus Crist
- Iesus Críst
- Iesus Crīst
- Igil
- Ii
- Il Divo
- Ilcahæmedeþ
- Ilfing
- Ilfingburg
- Illative casus
- Illative cásus
- Illative cāsus
- Illeƿe
- Illinois
- Illyricum
- In
- Inbærnes
- Incarice
- Incas
- Ince
- Inclosure Act 1773
- Indea
- Indealand
- Indenīge
- Inderawuda
- India
- Indian Ocean
- Indiana
- Indianapolis
- Indie
- Indieabyrg
- Indigabyrg
- Indisc Gārsecg
- Indisc rice
- Indisc rīce
- Indisca Garsecg
- Indisca Gārsecg
- Indisce Casererīce
- Indiāna
- Indiǣna
- Indo-Europisc geþéodu
- Indo-Europisc sprǣca
- Indo-Europisc sprǣchīred
- Indo-Europisca sprǣca
- Indoeuropisce sprǣca
- Indonesia
- Indonēsiæ
- Indryhte gamen
- Indryhtegamen
- Indus
- Industriġceaster
- Infernal Devices (Reeve)
- Inferness-scīr
- Ing
- Ingang:Stǣr
- Ingermanaland
- Ingermanland
- Ingryð, Swēona Hlǣfdīġe
- Ingryð of Sweolande
- Inkheart (TV endebyrdnes)
- Innuendo
- Instituto Federal da Bahia
- Inter rules
- Interlingua
- Interlingue
- International rules football
- Interpol (roccbænd)
- Inwær Banleas
- Inwær Russena Þeoden
- Iofes (tungol)
- Iohannes Adams
- Iohannes Carl I Spena Cyning
- Iohannes Cǣg
- Iohannes Engla Cyning
- Iohannes F. Kennedy
- Iohannes Kerry
- Iohannes Paulus II Papa
- Iohannes Paulus II Pāpa
- Iohannes Paulus I Pāpa
- Iohannes Scotta Cyning
- Iohannes Tyler
- Iohannes of Gænte
- Iohannes se Egesiga
- Iohannus Carl I Spena Cyning
- Iohannus Carl I Spēna Cyning
- Iohores Wealdend
- Iordan
- Iordanrīce
- Iosef Stalin
- Iosep Stalin
- Ioseph Biden
- Iosephine Francena Caserin
- Iosif Stalin
- Iota
- Iowa
- Iquique
- Irac
- Irac Cyning
- Irack
- Iraland
- Iran
- Iraq
- Irland
- Irland Cynewise
- Irland seo Cynewise
- Iron Maiden
- Isaac Newton
- Iscimbag
- Ishimbaȝ
- Islam
- Island
- Isles of Scilly
- Ispania
- Israel
- Israhel
- Israhél
- Israhēl
- Israél
- Israēl
- Istanbul
- Italia
- Italiano
- Italie
- Italisc
- Italisc sprǣc
- Italy
- Itumbiara
- Iturrieta
- Iul
- Iulianehopa
- Iulius Cāsere
- Iupiter
- Iupiter (planēta)
- Iupiter (tungol)
- Iustus
- Iuþytte Flæminga Hlæfdige
- Iæssdrēam
- Iþacige
- Iōan Bāt, Hlǣfdīġe of Sǣlande
- Iǣxcūn (Mississippi)
- Iǣxcūnbyrg
- J
- J. R. R. Tolkien
- Jaccesūn (Mississippi)
- Jaccesūnbyrg
- Jack Ruby
- Jackson, Mississippi
- Jackson (Mississippi)
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville, Florida
- Jacques-Yves Cousteau
- Jahrom
- James A. Garfield
- James Buchanan
- James Callaghan
- James Cook
- James Doolittle
- James Eā (Virginia)
- James Garfield
- James Hetfield
- James I Englalandes
- James K. Polk
- James Madison
- James Monroe
- James Ēa
- Jami Sieber
- Jan Mayen
- Jane Austen
- Jane Grey
- Jane Grey Hlǣfdige
- Janice Brown
- Janice Rogers Brown
- Janus (Windows beta)
- Japan
- Jason Bateman
- JavaScript
- JavaScript engine
- JavaScript weorcsearu
- Jay
- Jaynagar
- Jaynagar Majilpur
- Jean-Paul Belmondo
- Jeanette Biedermann
- Jeannette Biedermann
- Jefferson City
- Jelena Karleusa
- Jenny Haniver (airship)
- Jeremy Renner
- Jersey
- Jesus
- Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck
- Jim Morrison
- Joe Biden
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- John Adams
- John Ashcroft
- John Clare
- John F. Kennedy
- John F Kennedy
- John Kerry
- John Key
- John Locke
- John Michael Talbot
- John Quincy Adams
- John Tyler
- Jonas Altberg
- Jonas Erik Altberg
- Jordan
- Jordan Galland
- Jorge Luis Borges
- Joseph Biden
- Joseph Ratzinger
- Joseph Serchuk
- Joseph Stalin
- Josh Duhamel
- Joynagar
- Julia Lipnitskaia
- Julian Assange
- Julius Caesar
- Juneau
- Jèrri
- Jūnbyrg
- K
- K.A.A. Gent
- Kangerlussuaq
- Kansas
- Kansas City, Missouri
- Kara
- Karim Findi
- Karl Marx
- Karles Marces
- Kartvelisc sprǣchīred
- Kassel
- Kate Sheppard
- Katowice
- Kazakhstan
- Kea
- Keane
- Kedahes Wealdend
- KeepWatch
- Kelantanes Wealdend
- Kentucky
- Kescwisc sprǣccynn
- Kescƿisc sprǣccynn
- Kescƿisca sprǣca
- Kescƿish sprǣccynn
- Kevin Spacey
- Khea
- Kiev
- Kim Il-sung
- Kingdom of Denmark
- Kingdom of Norway
- Kingdom of Sweden
- Kiribas
- Kite
- Kiwi
- Kiwifruit
- Kiæresburh
- Knife
- Knives
- Kolkata
- Kongeriket Noreg
- Kongeriket Norge
- Konrad Adenauer
- Konungariket Sverige
- Koran
- Kosovo
- Końskowola
- Kuiperes gyrtel
- Kupriyanovīega
- Kurów
- Kuwait
- Kwara Rīce
- Kyiv
- Kylie Minogue
- Kyūscū
- Käse
- Kǣnsas
- L
- L. van Beethoven
- LA Galaxy
- La Losilla
- La Póveda de Soria
- La Riba de Escalote
- La Serena (Cile)
- La Serena (on Cilan)
- Labes
- Labour Party of New Zealand
- Lady Jane Grey
- Laf Yricesson
- Lafor
- Lagu & Frith
- Lagu & Frið
- Lagu & Friþ
- Lagu and Frith
- Lagu and Frið
- Lagu and Friþ
- Lagunæstrond
- Lake Taupo
- Lambhyð
- Lambhyð se Lunden Burgscipe
- Lambhyðheall
- Lamica
- Land þære worulde
- Land þǣre Worulde
- Land þǣre worulde
- Landa getalu be lēodweardcynne
- Landbūnes
- Landbūness
- Landgemǣrung
- Landūn Dūnanwine
- Lanercscir
- Lanercscīr
- Lanercsċīr
- Langa de Duero
- Langaland
- Langbeardaland
- Langbeardisc sprǣc
- Langbeardnaland
- Langbægabyrig
- Langfordscīr
- Langstrond
- Langtopt, East Þriðing
- Langwuda, West Þriðing
- Langīeg in þǣm Nīwan Eoforwīce
- Lansing